The California Climate Credit is part of California’s efforts to fight climate change. The credit is from a state government program that requires power plants and other large industries that emit greenhouse gases to buy carbon pollution permits from auctions managed by the Air Re-sources Board.

Households and small businesses receive the California Climate Credit. Customers will auto-matically receive the Climate Credit if they have an open account with the utility and are re-ceiving utility service during the period the Credit is distributed.

The Credit is given to all California residential customers that receive electricity from an inves-tor-owned utility company, electric service provider or community choice aggregation provid-er. This includes customers of Pacific Gas and Electric, San Diego Gas & Electric, Southern California Edison, and Liberty Utilities.

All residential customers of the same utility company will receive an equal amount regardless of the amount of energy they use. Whether you receive a credit, or how much you receive, is not connected to the amount of energy you use.

This does not effect all Residents. Residents must be receiving electricity from one of the companies listed below and paying their own bill

2018 Annual Electric Residential Climate Credit

Electric Bill Provider

SDG&E $67.00

PG&E $78.82

Liberty Utilities $58.92

SCE $72.00

Per HUD Headquarters, HUD does not allow the use of the California Climate Credit as a credit, offset or reduction in the calculation of the Utility Allowance for Project-Based Section 8 Residents.

HUD Office of General Counsel has stated the California Climate Credit should be considered as Annual Income in the certification and re-certification process of residents.

The Climate Credit became effective 2016. Failure to include the Climate Credit on the 50059 will result in a finding on your MOR.

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